Dear Friends of Abbondanza Farm
Thank you for visiting my web site.
Spring is in the air as I write this and normally it would be my great pleasure to be sharing with you all the exciting things we have planned for this season but there are still so many unknowns as to what we will be permitted to offer.
Last year at this time, as the pandemic had us in it's grip, I wrote in this space that I was optimistic that we would come out of this with a better sense of what was was valuable and worth holding on to and what we needed to permanently abandon because it never really served us or our beautiful planet. Well after a truly hellish year, I still remain hopeful. Okay some days are harder to convince myself of that than others but in the balance....positive.
Last season, much to everyone's amazement there was a shortage of vegetable seeds as so many people decided to start growing their own food. One of my favorite small seed companies here in Quebec, Solana Seeds, posted a notice on their web site in May that it was too late in the season for customers to be purchasing pepper seeds because they would never be ready in time. I thought that was very kind of them to warn the novice gardeners.
I am busy in the potting shed and the green house where I am producing lots of seedlings and feeling so grateful every day to be living where I do and how I do.
I currently planning the 2021 workshop season with an emphasis on family activities and growing your own food. Please visit the site at the beginning of April to read all about it.
Beautiful heirloom vegetable and herb seedlings.
Including 20 varieties of tomatoes.
For all the information on how you can purchase our plants please click here.
I am happy to report that the market will be opening for the season on
Saturday May 22nd
9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Last year, in spite of the pandemic we still had a fantastic market season with so many people coming to show their support for our local producers, their delicious food and beautiful artifacts.
It will still be a very different market than in past years with no music or special events for now but the important thing is that fresh local produce will be available and our local producers will be supported by our presence.
We will have some terrific new vendors this year and of course all the proper safety protocols will be in place. So come one and all!!
Take care of yourselves and your family. Better times are coming.